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Website Downtime

As many of you are aware our website and game were offline yesterday, this is due to an issue with our old hosting provider. They shut down the website because it was getting too many views. We have moved to a new hosting provider and such issues will not happen again. We are going to upgrade our dueling server as well, we have purchased a new dedicated server and it passed all our tests, we plan to introduce it in version 3.0, most things have been restored, we are currently restoring the forums.

YGOPRO Dawn of a New Era Upcoming Changes

We are going to release version 3.0 soon, there are quite a lot of  new features to look forward to in this version. The pro launcher has been remade from scratch, the new chat appears to be working perfectly and the chat server should no longer go offline. We are adding chat channels, there will be 8 different channels at the release. We have also added teams as well as a friend list. The feature that everybody should be the most excited about is the new automatic ranking system that we plan to add, this new ranking system will keep track of all ranked games you play and give you a rating based on your performance, you will also earn gold with each duel, even if you lose. We are also adding profiles, you will be able to upload a profile picture as well as fill out some other fields about yourself. In addition to this we will add all new cards that have been released since the release of the last update, and fix most major bugs with currently existing cards, please report all bugs that you find on the forums once we restore them. We plan to start hosting more tournaments soon and there is quite a lot of other little features that you will get to enjoy once the new version is released. The estimated release date is anywhere between 3 and 7 days, however we might release a closed beta first to ensure that everything is working, everyone should have this version by July 1st. While the beta is going you will still be able to play against everybody, this includes the players participating in the beta.

YGOPRO The Dawn of a New Era

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